The Open VSX Registry offers a community driven, fully open platform for publishing and consuming VS Code extensions. It is built on Eclipse Open VSX, which is an open source project hosted at the Eclipse Foundation.
The primary purpose of this project is to provide a marketplace for VS Code extensions that can be used with Eclipse Theia and other IDEs. Another important goal is to allow self-hosting the Marketplace, e.g. within a company network. None of this is currently possible with the Visual Studio Marketplace, which is proprietary and may be accessed only from Visual Studio products.
Open VSX is integrated into multiple software applications that support VS Code extensions. There is strong demand for a fully open alternative to the Visual Studio Marketplace, and with hundreds of great extensions already available, it is the intent of the Eclipse Foundation to enable continued and accelerated growth.
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"In our customer projects around the globe, we can observe an increasing demand for web-based and cloud-based tooling….We believe the Eclipse ecosystem is on a very strong path to take and hold the same dominating position for tool building it has on the desktop also for web-based tools in the upcoming decade."
Dr. Jonas Helming, General Manager at EclipseSource