In this article, we introduce the Eclipse Graphical Language Server Platform (GLSP), a technology to efficiently build diagram editors for web- and cloud-based tools. These diagram editors can run inside an IDE, such as Eclipse Theia or VS Code; or can be used stand-alone in any web application. Eclipse GLSP fills an important gap in the implementation of graphical editors for web-based domain-specific tools. It is an ideal next-generation solution for replacing traditional desktop technologies such as GEF and GMF. Eclipse GLSP is a very active open source project within the Eclipse Cloud Development Tools ecosystem.
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"In our customer projects around the globe, we can observe an increasing demand for web-based and cloud-based tooling….We believe the Eclipse ecosystem is on a very strong path to take and hold the same dominating position for tool building it has on the desktop also for web-based tools in the upcoming decade."
Dr. Jonas Helming, General Manager at EclipseSource