We are a diverse community of members, adopters, developers, and other contributors. Join us!
The Eclipse Cloud DevTools Working Group is a vendor-neutral community that collaborates on new open source technologies for cloud native development. Community members work together to define, promote and implement web and cloud-based development tools, while also driving the evolution and broad adoption of these tools.
Here are a few resources to help you become more familiar with our community and members:
The Cloud Tool Time webinar series showcases Cloud DevTools projects, technologies, and adopters. The audience is anyone interested in cloud development tools, in particular developers and potential adopters of the software.
To propose a Cloud Tool Time topic, or request to be a presenter, please fill out this form. These events are managed through our Virtual Eclipse Community Meetup on Meetup.com.
To view previous Cloud Tool Time episodes, check out our YouTube Playlist
Cloud Chat is a Twitch.tv interview series that explores trends in open source cloud development. This series consists of pre-recorded live streams. It is hosted by Jesse Williams from AWS, and features project leads, contributors, adopters and other cloud development enthusiasts. Guests are interviewed about their projects, cloud-native best practices, product road maps and other topics of interest. Some guests also provide live demos.
To propose a Cloud Chat topic or request to be a guest, please complete this form.
To view previous Cloud Chat episodes, check out our Twitch.tv Channel
We hold bi-weekly Steering and Marketing Committee calls. Minutes are distributed on the Cloud DevTools working group list.
We hold regular, roughly quarterly, community calls, where we discuss ongoing initiatives, upcoming events and give projects the opportunity to share updates with the community. These are listed on the Cloud DevTools Google calendar and announced on the Cloud DevTools working group list.
Recordings of previous Cloud DevTools Community Calls can be found on our YouTube playlist.
Several projects within the Cloud DevTools ecosystem hold their own calls to keep in touch with their communities. If you leverage any of these projects or are just curious to know more, please consider attending.
Eclipse Che Community Meeting: These weekly calls are meant for Che adopters and contributors to chat about project development details (can be planning, concerns, or more technical details). The goal is to better synchronize and organize efforts of the various contributors in order to make Che better.
Eclipse Theia Dev Meeting: Developers, adopters, and anyone interested can join this weekly call to discuss anything related to the development and improvement of Theia.
All Cloud DevTools calls and events are managed through a single shared Google calendar.
Web Version - Use the + in the bottom right to add it to your calendar
iCal Format - Compatible with most other calendar clients
We use Slack for instant messaging and general communication. Use this link to join our Slack workspace.
We use mailing lists for all official communications. They are freely accessible but you must create an Eclipse.org account to subscribe.
Most Cloud DevTools projects also have their own mailing list. You will find them on this page.
Some ideas to amplify our message:
Always use the #EclipseCloudDevTools whenever relevant in your posts
Additionally, use a project specific hashtag from the following list : #eclipseglsp, #eclipsetheia, #emfcloud, #cdtcloud, #eclipseche
Ask your company’s social media manager to follow and retweet from official handles
Please share news and updates with your own personal networks
Join us for this fun, educational and interactive webinar series, featuring a variety of cloud development topics from community members!
"In our customer projects around the globe, we can observe an increasing demand for web-based and cloud-based tooling….We believe the Eclipse ecosystem is on a very strong path to take and hold the same dominating position for tool building it has on the desktop also for web-based tools in the upcoming decade."
Dr. Jonas Helming, General Manager at EclipseSource